What If?

In a world of good and evil, we are left with many moral dilemmas. Outlined by society, we are told what is right and what is wrong. When all we need to do is look within our hearts to know truth in our daily actions. Imagine if we all applied the ancient wisdom of “The Seven Generations.” This is a concept where every action contemplated and repercussions carefully thought out. Not just for this lifetime, but seven generations after ours. This next poem reminds me a lot of the song What if God was one of Us? by Joan Osborne. Imagine if we all saw Christ in every person…

What if the person you are arguing with was God?

How would you treat them?


What if the person you hate was God?

Would you reconcile?

What if the person you were about to steal from was God?

Would you still do it?


What if the person you are about to cheat on was God?

Would you still cheat?

What if the person you are about to kill was God?

Would you pull the trigger?

Stop waiting for the Messiah and his return.

See that he is already here.

See him in yourself, feel him.

See him in others, hear his words.

Love everyone, change the world!

We can create the Heavens,

and abolish Hell forever.

See through eyes of our creator

and finding salvation.

See the promise land,

as you are already in it.


“I see Jesus Christ in all his distressful disguises.”

~Mother Theresa

Step into the Canvas with eyes of compassion: instinctively slowing down. letting others into our lane; extending a hand to a stranger, when in need; throwing spare change at the homeless, as we are filled with abundance; removing the need to win; offering solutions, not complaints; giving freely in the name of Love…for that is all we are meant to be.


Time Travel Discovered by Six Year Old Boy

Ever feel like our lives are moving at the speed of light? Or there’s never enough time in the day to get things done? When we are in place of disharmony we instinctively follow direction of never having enough time, when in harmony we happen to be in the right place at the right time.

We return now to our Warrior friend, Ani Po, who recently learned a valuable lesson in time travel. It is said that when we return to a place of perfect harmony, we transcend all time and space. When inspired we often experience time standing still or traveling at the speeds of light.

Ani Po was tending to Her daily events when she overheard to young children bickering over time travel and whether it is possible. The boy happens to be six years old, the girl his younger sister with an age of four years old. What struck Ani Po, was the fact the boy declared he had discovered time travel and humanity have used this technology since the beginning of time. Intrigued, and with an attentive ear, Ani Po listens in…


Boy: “Did you know that we are all time travelers?”

Girl: “Please stop. I do not want to travel through time.”

Boy: “You can’t stop it. We are all traveling through time every second.”

Girl: “Stop it! I don’t want to time travel!”


Smiling and enjoying the taunting of his little sister, he continues, “We cannot stop time and we are always moving forward every second. See, we just went into time…and again…and again…and again…”

The Warrior smiles knowing this to be true. Walking away She is reminded how precious every moment truly is, seizing every moment to the fullest. We can either travel at leg breaking speeds or we can travel at a leisurely pace, enjoying the precious moments life has to offer. While majority of people will subscribe to the concept of having to do something every moment, the Warrior knows it equally important to allow time to stand still. While time actually does not stand still, moving forward every second, we can choose to be on our time. While on our time things show up at the right time, each and every time. How does this work? How can we show up exactly when we are supposed to be? It just happens.

“Space and time are modes in which we think, not conditions in which we exist”

~ Albert Einstein

We can choose to beat ourselves up over our busy schedules or we can choose to drop distractions in life. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. It is necessary to point out that we are a society who cannot sit still. When was the last time you a walk? No direction and no agenda? When was the last time you took a vacation, with only one outcome expected…to relax? Many of us cannot say we have the time to just take a walk or when on vacation, just do nothing. We are programmed into thinking we need to do something…Light-speed ahead!

Just as Ani Po is reminded, we can choose to travel at the speed of light or at a more leisurely pace. Whatever the speed we cannot stop the concept of time and are always moving forward.

Stepping into the Canvas on Divine Timing, knowing whatever thoughts, whatever actions, they will be exactly as they are supposed to be. When following the concept of Divine Timing, space and time is transcended, our thoughts instantaneously manifested into reality and we co-create a life we are meant to live…
