Let it Rain

The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Things may not always go as we wish within the Canvas of Life. In trying times…maybe it is necessary to just wait it out, allowing it to pass. We cannot force the rain to stop. Similarly we cannot force a given situation to stop. If it is not to our liking, simply ride it out and await the rainbow to present…

let it rain

The Heart Shall be Opened

See not the Canvas of Life with thine own eyes, but view in awe and the Heart shall be opened.~Ani Po

When we try to figure something out or we try to label something as such, we unknowingly limit that which we see. Let go of the expectations of things and limitless possibilities shall present. To view n awe is to be in awe, to be in awe is to be wide opened and free…

the heart shall be opened