Everything Has Beauty

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.~Confucius

Our eyes can be so limited, affixed upon the media of the day or the shortcomings of the like. Closing them, but for a moment…fixing our attention on the magnificence of our breath, life, etc., we are reminded of divine nature within the self.

In keeping our eyes closed, we open to the eyes of Spirit…seeing everything for its divine perfection that remains hidden to so many. See the beauty of the day, see beauty within the Canvas before you…feel it…know it to be perfect in all its imperfections…Everything Has Beauty



When Heaven is About to Confer a Great Office

When Heaven is about to confer a great office upon a man, It first exercises his mind with suffering, and his Sinews and bones with toil; It exposes him to poverty and confounds all his undertakings. Then it is seen if he is ready. ~Moshi

Often times we are challenged with daily events or personal issues…how we respond lay the foundation for what we may become. If we choose to wallow in pity or succumb to the darkness, we remain in its misery. However, if we choose to see the light within the darkness, we are launched to another lesson…awaiting our attention…

When Heaven is about to confer a great office quote