Observing Thoughts within the Thoughts

I had a thought,

Then I had no thought.

There was a feeling within a feeling.

Observing the observer.

Waves of thoughts,

To and fro.

Coming and going,

Allowing and observing.

Stepping into the Canvas as open as could be…free of thoughts, free of boundaries. Observing thoughts within the thoughts, emotions within the emotions….feeling the feeling within the feeling…then letting it all go. At the center of the universe there is a thought and it is without void…Ani Po


It is within the Canvas I lost my thoughts.

No mind, not knowing.

What was true, no longer so.

I wonder as I wander,

Ponder as I blunder.

It is within the Canvas I lost my thoughts.

From I to We once again.

Wondering and wandering,

Pondering carefully blundering.

From knowing this or that,

Dissolved into nothing…not knowing.

Through our journey of knowing to unknowing we come to know the I as we, we are thee.~Ani Po