Clearing the Canvas

With each new day comes opportunity for letting go, allowing room for a brighter future. Whatever baggage we carry, shall keep us from enjoying freedom of No Baggage. With more baggage, comes more clutter in the Canvas of Life.

Letting go of baggage requires wiping the Canvas clean and beginning anew. With each new day is another opportunity, so shall the New Year. What a great time to plan for the New year. The time is now.

The New Year presents a perfect time for evaluation of not only mind or body, but equally  exercising the spirit. Along with our regular goals, at the new year, it is a good time to re-evaluate your spiritual path. Are you still clinging on to past beliefs of anger, fear or anything related to negativity? If so, chances are that your goals will be self-sabotaged anyways. Time to clean house!

Taking personal inventory of life:

  • Forgive oneself for past behaviors.
  • Ask others for forgiveness.
  • Stop trying to figure things out.
  • Follow gut feelings always.
  • Center oneself in a Heart of Compassion.

The last of these being the most crucial as it will aid on the other four. When we center ourselves with a Heart of Compassion, everything begins aligning with source energy. We vibrate naturally at a level of Love: eliminating all self-defeating beliefs;letting go of pent-up regret; following, effortlessly, our dreams; flowing peacefully as that of a river; finally seeing our Brothers and Sisters as One.

We can exercise our mind and body as much as we can, but without faith we have nothing. It is our mind that allows us to think, our body that clears the way, but it is the Spirit that drives us effortlessly along the journey of life. The weaker the spirit, the more difficult the journey: The stronger the Spirit, the gentler the journey.

“When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle.”
~Christine Mason Miller

While the pilgrim chooses to paint over the Canvas of Life, masking His past expression of Life, the Warrior wipes the Canvas clean, allowing a new perspective on Life to present itself in Her painting.

We often worry about cleaning another person’s home,

when our own needs attention.

What good is cleaning another, when ours is neglected?


Stepping into the Canvas with a Clean Canvas, clearing our thoughts of doubt, anger or fear. Centering on our faith, everything returns to the way it was before the beginning…allowing us to declare, “All is Good.”