Facing Forward

Facing forward with eyes set upon the sun.~Ani Po

It is not my intent to dismiss mine or anyone else’s fear or angst, but hope in allowing them to pass. Embracing them, ‘digging them up,’ we learn from them and we grow from them. It is in our fears that we learn the most about ourselves…teaching us strength, hope, pure love…no matter the circumstances.

I am reminded of my own childhood fears, via dreams, by my youngest teacher. As my daughter awakens from a bad dream, sharing the details of her misery, she expresses great fear. Immediately taken back to my childhood ‘nightmares’ and their meaning, which took years to figure out, of such awful visions.

While her dreams are very similar to the ones I had, they are symbolic of change coming for her. While they appear to be horrific, they remain great teachings of strength being born into her young adulthood. With fire and water comes a great cleansing within. Destruction and murderous acts within the dream, create a broadened spectrum of love in the awakened state. To know Love is to know hate.

I did not tell her what to do, but merely allowed her to speak her truth at the moment. Comforting her, we retire back to her dream-world.

Stepping into the Canvas facing forward. No matter the lessons lay behind us, we look to the future of brighter days. Fixing our gaze on the Sun we cast our shadows behind us. In the light of day we are guided by brother sun, by night sister moon…both guiding/offering a new perspective, a new option for facing forward…one of Peace, Love and Happiness…

Ani Po

facing forward