One Step at a Time

One step at a time, peace is restored.~Ani Po

It is though the journey of a thousand miles that peace is found, but it is the first step that elevates our thought process to continue. This journey of a thousand miles is actually only twelve inches long.

The journey of thousand miles, whilst beginning with a single step, is the distance from mind to heart. When mind and heart sync dormant forces come alive. Allowing thoughts to flow without restriction or fear, we are free to explore a whole new reality of thoughts.

Stepping into the Canvas one step at a time, wherever we are going surely we shall arrive. Don’t know for sure…that is ok…neither do I. In the end it is not about the destination but how we arrived to this place of knowing. However we arrive or whatever the timing…there is no rush and there surely is no right or wrong way…

One step at a time