Sitting Quietly

Sitting quietly once again, reminded of the cycles of life. Some large, some small…with every day, every month and year there are cycles we identify. As this cycle ends another begins…I await.

At the time of every New Moon, I am reminded the purpose of life. Give and receive, give and receive…rest…repeat. This is a time where I used to get down on myself, feeling boredom or sadness. Does this happen to you?

This time is different. I sit quietly knowing I am to rest and await the next tasks at hand. Proving this, a friend messages me, as she normally does when I am at this state, only to remind me that I am here on purpose. The Universe confirms this through a friend, a note or something of the like. Reminding me to sit quietly, contemplate, only to begin again.

With thoughts of sadness flying out the window, I am invited to just wait.

Soon this cycle will shift into a new paradigm, a paradigm where the knowing is normal and peace is eternal. Soon the days and nights shall merge, the new moon shall become an eternal moon…allowing us to draw upon our strengths, trust in our gifts…knowing we are right where we need to be.

Stepping into the Canvas with quietude in mind. Learning to sit still, with no thoughts, only to have our soul recharged as if we knew it all along. As the moon cycles pass, so to our thoughts of sadness…only to be renewed with the coming moon. Sit, recharge and await…knowing all is good and we are right on time…

Sitting in quietude