Different Paints For Every Canvas

disabled rock climber

Too often I read a story about how one person was healed or another has found the keys to enlightenment, only to claim this is the way. The truth of the matter is it may be the way for that person, but may not be the way for another. Every person is different; every person’s life varies in such a way that ‘The Way’ may not be the way.

Listening to someone complain this morning about their legs limiting them from exercise, claiming they could not do any work and the doctors told him to take it easy. When I could hear only so much, I interjected “if I stopped for every time a doctor told me to take it easy, I would not be here today.” Being sensitive to those with actual limitations, I have seen the same limitations on another and they refuse to be limited by their diagnoses.

I further explained that I had broken over 100 bones in my lifetime, dislocated joints numerous times, with each time the doctor telling me I’d lose “x” percentages of mobility. Thanking them each time, I proceeded to heal.

Hearing this, the individual explains “yes but with my work I cannot do what I need to do anymore.” I suggest that maybe it’s time for him to retire or find a new job. He did not like this answer.

I further explained “that I often find myself contemplating my moves within the days, allowing healing to take its natural course. Coming to an end, I know that it is only the beginning.” Often times the universe will present us with new opportunities, new directions, and letting go of who we think we should be or shouldn’t do, allowing ourselves to change with seasons.

This person continues to tell me the recipe for life “good diet, cardio, and very little weights.” I agreed with him up to the diet, but disagreed with the other two. We need all, equally, to continue the way of life. If we put too much emphasis on one area the others will be neglected. Through neglect we lose our balance.

Now with that statement, I realize that is my way. My way is not your way, ‘The Way’ is only the way…when it fits for you. Find your own way, and stick with it. Listen to those around you, absorbing that which serves you best.

I explained to him my recipe “good eating, weight training, and very little cardio” this is the recipe for my Way, for I am here to move mountains. He laughed at me. “So you plan on moving mountains?”

I plan on moving mountains every day!

Attitude is everything. If we listen to those who say we can’t, then unknowingly we won’t. If we listen to the self, or those who say we can, then we surely well. We are here to move mountains, not to become a mountain.

Stepping into the canvas moving mountains…with one stroke of the brush. With paints and brushes in hand, we repaint the life we are meant. With every stroke, every thought, miracles present themselves within the canvas of life. Go move your mountains!

different paints