Entitlement vs. Enlightenment

Peeling layers of an onion parallels to peeling a layer of one’s consciousness. At the most outer layer is a mindset of entitlement, while at the most inner layer resides a mindset which everyone strives for…enlightenment. While both permeate the other areas, they meet somewhere in the middle. Peeling these layers, we eventually get to the core of our essence…pure Love.

At the very outer ring of an onion is a protective layer. The layer preserving the fruit until maturity and until consumption, similar to the ego of subconscious minds. It is the layer protecting us from injury during growth. Also the layer keeping us from peeling back any further layers while in search of eternal bliss. This is the most basic layer where our lowest of vibration controls our thoughts. On the most primitive level we instinctively want to snatch and grab anything we can, in fear  we will be stripped away of rights, material things, or even life.

When a person is ready…they cut into the first layer of the onion, cutting into real essence of consciousness. Peeling the first layer yields the realization, “Wow I did it, I got rid of some extra baggage!” Once this feeling of accomplishment settles, the individual realizes there is yet another layer instinctively asking, “Now What?” Peeling another layer, letting go of more harbored negative behavior, there resides yet another layer. Layer after layer…

The Pilgrim being more primitive than the Warrior, remains in entitlement thinking and feels that everyone in the world owes him something. When things don’t go well at work, he blames others, because it can’t be possible that he was wrong. The pilgrim also subscribing to thought of following one path of government or another, subscribing to ‘one’ way religion, living as nobody else exists.

The Warrior, Ani Po, no longer subscribes to this lifestyle of entitlement and resides in enlightenment. In this state Ani Po no longer subscribes to the rules of the flesh: picking sides of government, picking a certain religion, or thinking She is the only person alive and everyone else owes her everything. Nope, not Ani Po. She has found an all-inclusive resort that allows everyone to be free to be themselves and never excludes anyone. She no longer subscribes to monetary systems established by society, but merely plays the game of subscribing to ‘fitting in.’

At the most primitive level of our existence we learn an entitlement behavior. This behavior is compounded by our capitalistic system. Conditioned to believe in entitlement and is  the cause for our separations in this lifetime. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, with an increasing gap between the two. Dr. David Hawkins discusses varying levels of consciousness and reports that it is possible to peel past these basic layers, attaining a higher state of consciousness.

As we peel the layers of the onion, permeation of entitlement penetrates through the protective walls of each layer until somewhere in the middle of the onion it loses the belief of entitlement and met by a force of enlightenment. Carl Jung often refers to this state of a person’s life: a shift, from the morning of their life to the afternoon of their life.

Pure enlightenment is not generally felt until all remaining layers are peeled and all that remains is the core essence of the onion…that of enlightenment. We can cut right to the core, getting a taste of eternal bliss but for it to remain in our daily lives we have to slowly peel each layer. With each layer removing trapped emotions, trapped behaviors, until we begin learning positive behaviors. Once the lessons begin we take a step into “The Active Side of Infinity (Carl Jung),” continuing our growth with each new day.

Stepping into the Canvas without a sense of entitlement, knowing that nobody in this world owes me anything. I Am free to be Me! Having a purpose of service to my fellow brothers and sisters, I no longer sit waiting for them to come to me. Instead I will apply a little elbow grease to my daily actions and will not expect anything for free. The only thing in this world that can possibly be free is me…even that has a price that many are not willing to pay.