The Good Tao Of Fear

Continuing the lesson of “The Two Wolves” within us all, we return to the Shadow. The Shadow is that which harbors emotions of darkness and fear, crippling us from ever achieving greatness if left unchecked. With practice of self-mastery, we are able to master our emotions and further allow greatness to shine.

In practicing self-mastery, we analyze self emotions that control our every action while disallowing them from controlling daily actions. Left untamed, we remain in fear; taming the shadow, allowing fear to shine. How can we allow our fear to shine?

Allowing our fear to serve us, requires awareness of self at the deepest of levels. Through awareness we recognize all emotions, perceived good or bad, allowing them to direct us in a positive or negative fashion…either way it is by our own hands. Is it possible for fear to guide us into a brighter future?

Again, through awareness of our fears…they can show us The Way. It is through indirect routes that our attention switches towards that which we most desire. If we are afraid of something, through awareness and faith of a brighter outcome…it shall be so. During the awareness, we are cognizant of our fears but willing to move forward into levels of desire, courage or willingness.

David R. Hawkins, M.D., writes about varying levels of energy, in Power vs. Force, and how energy levels affect our decisions within the Canvas of Life. Resonate at levels of fear and that is where we remain; resonate at higher levels, such as willingness or desire, we amplify the possibility of something becoming manifest within our daily lives. Through awareness of our own fears, we autonomously raise our vibration to that of the greater forces. Lower vibrations exist as shame, fear, guilt, anger, whilst higher vibrations exist as courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, Love. The highest of levels is that of enlightenment, which through awareness we are led.

Therefore, through study of our own fears or self-defeating ways, we are led to a brighter path…a path leading to paradise. Following The Way, we arrive as needed; following The Way, we make manifest Sunshine on a cloudy day. Indirectly our fear becomes hope and hope becomes joy…allowing our own fear to guide us onto a brighter path.

I used to be afraid of tackling plumbing or electrical work. If I allowed my fear to rule me, the work would not have been completed. However, through faith and hope, the result was discovered one step at a time. Making the first step…most difficult, the second…a bit easier…continuing the steps in faith and hope, the job was complete with far greater satisfaction of hiring another to do the work.

Stepping into the Canvas with awareness. It is through our own awareness, we are given foreknowledge of our surroundings. Through awareness, the world shall continue changing for the better, further allowing greater vision of Syncrosensational Living to become a reality. While the majority continues to follow similar patterns of the mundane, we have opportunities of changing our own reality through awareness and willingness to take steps beyond our own fears. Beyond our own fears lay Peace, Love and Joy…allow them to show The Way.