Seeing Beyond the Canvas

Seeing beyond the canvas is about seeing Life as something far greater than our conditioned lives. We were taught  happiness comes from going to school, establishing a career and living the American Dream by purchasing our own home. While achieving all of this something still remains missing. What is this void we all yearn to fill? It is the void of Truth. The void of Truth is the empty feeling we have when we continually seek more of something that gives us a false sense of goodness.

We get a house, a couple of cars and maybe some nice little toys. We are happy for a moment, but continue to battle bouts of depression, anger, fear and sadness. Something is still missing.

Walking in the Flesh, the Orgasm lasts a mere Second.

Walking in Spirit…an Eternity!

The void is our lack of happiness or self-actualization of being ‘On Purpose.’ We must learn to accept happiness no matter the circumstance and see silver-linings in every cloud. Have you ever noticed some of the really successful people and their lives painting a perfect picture? At first glance they seem to be happy, whilst having it all. As we look deeper or time unveils, we hear of a terrible breakup or separation ,they were never really happy, or have addictions to prescription drugs. There is a small population that has it all, but more importantly have found Happiness and live on the level of the heart. At this level…All Things are Possible.

“Never look up to the people who have the painted-perfect lives,

because try as they might,

can never see beyond the canvas.”~Moira Hallsom

It is possible to have it all: the big house, loving family, more money than we know what to do with, but meaningless without finding happiness. People try to buy happiness, but as I stated earlier “As we walk in flesh, the Orgasm lasts for a mere second.” Walking in flesh focuses  on meeting the lower of Maslows Hierarchy of needs: Physical pleasures, while walking in Spirit focuses on higher needs of self-actualization. Find Happiness, enjoying all that life has to offer. Once established, we can co-create the life we want.

Stepping into the Canvas we admire the beauty God has painted, accepting it for what it is while co-creating a painting to our desires. Seeing Beyond the Canvas sheds light to painted pictures and their imperfections. When we see the canvas for what it truly is we accept them as imperfectly perfect as our own, but enjoying the beauty that life has to offer. Focus on our own Canvas, Painting that which we most desire.


SandFantasy by: Ilana Yahav

So where do we align ourselves? Do we align with the material gains and the Flesh? or do we align with the Higher Self of Spirit, obtaining all that we ever dreamed of? Dare to Step Into the Canvas today, living the life meant to…taking an active role in creation.


Much Love and Peace Profound.

Return to Innocence

It all begins with one person, one household, one town, one state, one nation and finally One World.

As peace is restored on the individual level, it spreads to the latter of these.

Listen to this song, watch the video and see  the possibility of returning back to the way it was before the beginning.
