Way Finding: Choosing One’s Path

There is a lot of talk about right and wrong, this way or that way, but never really a clear direction on the proper path. The proper path being different for each and everyone of us. They say there are many paths to enlightenment…how we get there is up to us.
Even in the darkest times we can find a bright idea. While in our brightened times we embrace all there is. Either way there is always light…a path to enlightenment. Unless there is a void of darkness or the absence of light, there is always a bright idea.
To choose one’s path, is merely just that…a choice. We can choose a path of destruction or a path of creation, either way, directly or indirectly, we are creating a path of creation.
Just this morning, when having words with a friend, our discussion became deep by  normal ears. Discussing whether there is a right way or wrong way in life, we concluded it comes down to perception and choices to which Way to go. Which ever direction we choose, both have cause and effect. Witnessing our discussion an onlooker says, “This is getting really deep.” We chuckle and ask him to join in…he declines. “There’s just too much bullshit going on in this world, without it potentially affecting us and bringing us down.”
That is when it hit me. I explained to them, “yes bullshit is real, but even bullshit can lead to enlightenment. I once thanked a man for being the ass he was, thereby showing me how to be. Directly or indirectly, another human being can show us how to be. No matter the given situation of the day, we have a choice. A choice of being happy or angry.”

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.~Rumi

There are two types of people in our lives whom influence our actions. The direct influence of another and the indirect influence, either way we are influenced by the people around us. The caution being the indirect influences, as they can potentially redirect our ways in the opposing direction.

First the direct influence of another: one who emits qualities in which we admire and have a desire to emanate. These are the folks in which we look up to, wishing or altering our lives to match theirs. The caveat to this is, these people can either influence us to follow a path of darkness and destruction or a path of light and creation. Along a path of darkness, we do what want, without consideration for those around us and potentially harming others for self-gain. While the other looks at the greater picture of spreading more light and love into the world, aligning steps whilst keeping others in consideration. If an individual has made a choice of following a darkened path, then the indirect influence would be that of someone who follows a path of light. The caveat, the indirect influence could potentially bring this person into a more creative role and into a path of creation (humbly speaking…not a bad thing).

Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.~Sakyong Mipham

The indirect influence is anyone who emanates behavior that does not align with our own views or perceptions of reality. Again, if we are on a path of light and love, then the indirect influences can only increase our cause or bring us down. If we are on a path of darkness and destruction, then the indirect influences may strengthen our darkened ways or tip us into a path of Light and Love. Sounds like we are back to choice.

Wherever you stand, be the Soul of that place.~Rumi

Stepping into the Canvas with choice. Whether we splatter the Canvas with colors of grey or paint with vibrant colors of the soul, may it be so confidently in the direction you seek. Directly or indirectly influenced by another, we have choice to follow or run the other way…either way it comes down to choice…This is The Way.