Many Masters, Many Souls

Many Masters, Many souls

Many Masters, Many souls;

Many have died, many have lived.

One common similarity between the nobles,

They all believe in what they already know.

They struggle to retrieve the answers,

To have them only reappear.

Many Masters, Many Souls;

Many have died, many have lived.

The message is the same wherever you go,

Be true to yourself, but be true to your fellow-man.

Do unto to others, was once beseeched;

Now it is time for the message to reappear.

Many Masters, Many Souls;

Many have died, many have lived.

My life has come to a halt,

Only to begin again.

I have risen above all,

And found my place next to his.

Many lost, many found;

Many cry out, many laugh on.

It is our choice to see heaven,

Or to see the Hell that we most fear.

See our fellow-man as God himself,

And you will have a place next to his.

Many lost, many found;

Many cry out, many laugh on.

In the end there will be a judgement,

So choose your steps wisely.

Do unto to others is what I speak,

See this and your seat will be next to his.

Look past the Darkness,

And you will find Heaven on Earth.

There is no beginning and there is no end,

Only life everlasting.

Do unto others, as you want unto you,

And your seat will be reserved right next to his.

~Joseph Lieungh

Soul Painting Beauty


You need to become a pen
In the Sun´s hand.
We need for the earth to sing
Through our pores and eyes.
The body will again become restless
Until your soul paints all its beauty
Upon the sky.
Don´t tell me, dear ones,
That what Hafiz says is not true,
For when the heart tastes its glorious destiny
And you awake to our constant need
for your love
God´s lute will beg
For your hands.
