Beyond the Mirror

If I am you and you are me…
Then why do I feel the need to change you?
If your thoughts are my thoughts and my thoughts are your thoughts…
Then why do I try to persuade you?

Is it because I gaze upon the mirror
Disturbed and in disgust?
Seeing my own faults,
Projecting them unto you?
My own negativity
Disgusted only by yours?

Look past the mirror…
Beneath the surface.
Look past the negativity…
Only beauty remains.
Seen within you,
It shall be seen within me.

If my thoughts are your thoughts
And your thoughts are my thoughts…
Once I see past the flesh,
You will too.
Seeing the divine being
That I am,
I now see you as the same.
If I am you and you are me,
Then we are one in the same.


New World Order

Whatever the path or however we get there, we strive for eternal bliss. Many traditions speak of this as something attainable in the afterlife, while many masters speak of it being present in this lifetime.

Martin Luther king Jr. Spoke, “I have seen the glory and the coming of the Lord…I have seen the promise land!” The promise land is available in present time and attained with a new perception of reality. While old perception viewed the world as ‘Hell on Earth,’ our new perception changes it to “Heaven on Earth.” ‘As above, so below’ becomes a reality.

Buddha spoke of removing fear of suffering. His lesson was not to ignore it, but to see every possibility as a lesson for growth. Even in our darkest times, there is light. When we transcend fear we return to the way it was in the beginning and “All is Good.”

Jesus spoke a similar message. As he spoke of Love intertwining throughout all the laws laid before us. Through Love we our given the keys to “Heaven on Earth,” and free to access at anytime. He was The Way and the Light and showed us that we are a part of this Light. Be The Way.

Numerous teachings speak of “a living death.” When the shift takes place, into the afternoon of our lives (Carl Jung), we have an opportunity to begin again or ‘as it is written’… Born Again. While some will be born again into the afternoon of their lives, others will remain a rotting corpse…remaining in their own living death.

Being born into a New World is not what everyone says to be fearful of. It is not about absolute power or control…not in this world. When an person sees through fresh eyes of spirit, they only see all as good. All of the modern details of society disappear, government issues have no meaning, and poverty is a part of the plan. Being born again we no longer see as  an individual, but as a collective whole.

The New World order is not be feared as a global issue, instead as an personal issue. When every human being takes an active role in being their authentic self, then and only then will we see the New World. In the meantime, stay clear from scare campaigns speaking of global take over and return to what matters most…being you and being in Love. All of the prophesies ever written involve the individual: the darkened nights shall be upon us and we shall be born into a new light; the end of the world as we know it, only to be reborn into a taste of Heaven.

Those willing to let go and Let God, shall have paradise; those who cling to false reality of fear and anger shall remain in Hell for all eternity. The New World Order shall be governed by one body, controlled by one religious group, and embodied all within the self. You are the New World and shall govern it as you see fit.

Stepping into the Canvas letting go of all doubt and fear. While the world crumbles around us, remain in balance. In balance, the world is at Peace…at least in the individual world. Some say it’s delusional…I say thank you.
