Taking Me Time

Healthy ‘Me’ time leads to Happy ‘We’ time. How often do we witness someone who continuously gives and then complains they are so tired. Why do they not take a day to themselves? We often get so deep in what we Love, we forget to take the necessary “Me Time.” Take a break for you today and enjoy the Very Best Me Time!

Well today is my day for ‘Me Time.’ Sitting silently in a Zendo, clearing my head of the 10,000 things. When I return, I hope to have left the Monkey Mind there!

Stepping into the Canvas in Silence, contemplating my nothingness…In nothing lay everything. Be aware of the signs leading to silence, heed their call and take the necessary me time. Have a good weekend…Love, Light and Life!



My heart is split in two,

Bleeding for those in need.

So many lost,

So much pain.

I can help and can change the world.

Shine light, spreading Love wherever I go.


I must merely witness…

…pain and offer a hand.

…struggle and offer a solution.

…lost and offer the way.

…anger and offer them Peace.

…Darkness and offer the light.

…weak and offer them strength.

…evil and offer them good.


Just as Job learned, I have learned patience.

Be patient and those who wish…will come for help.

Those who come to you…open your arms and embrace them.

Embrace them and show them that Love is the answer!

