Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas as a new beginning. With each ending of the day, promises a new beginning. Whatever the troubles of today, may they bring new opportunities tomorrow. As we arise today, may it be in celebration. A celebration to have another go…

The Pilgrim Enters The Arena

Have you ever had a gut feeling or felt you needed to do something with your life, but were afraid to step forward with fear of humiliation? Or did you want to do something but failed to take the first step because you didn’t know how to do a given task?

This is a very common issue with many pilgrims, afraid to do something due to fear of ridicule or making mistakes. The only mistake made, is not taking that first step. The first step does require a bit of faith. Faith to step into the unknown, but hope that it will take off. One step, two step…keeping the momentum moving.

When the pilgrim is ready to step into the arena alone, a Warrior shall emerge. Win or lose, success or failure, warrior emerges victorious.


The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

who strives valiantly; who knows the great enthusiasms,

the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause;

who at the best, knows triumph of high achievement;

and who, at worst, if he fails, as least fails while daring greatly,

so that his place shall never be with those cold

and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.


If we never took a risk, how would we know our boundaries? To define our own boundaries, we need willingness to go to the outer edge of these boundaries and push even further. If all we did was remain in the boundaries set before us, that is where we shall remain. Dare to redefine these boundaries. While the pilgrim remains in the boundaries, it is the warrior who dares go further.

Stepping into the Canvas with Courage. Courage to take a leap of faith, even when we have no idea where we are going. True believers are those who can see what others cannot, preparing their fields for a bountiful harvest. Dare to step in the arena alone…we will not know what awaits us until we enter…