A Domino Effect

Have you ever sat and pondered your actions or the implications they may have? What if your whole life was a lie? What if the reality you thought was true, resulted in more false reality to spread throughout a region? I invite you now to ponder throwing everything you have learned thus far…out the window. If you are reading this, you are ready for a change…


Do you feel that maybe, just maybe, our worldly leaders have all lied to us? All in the name of control? What if today for the first time, you awakened to a new reality? This will be the day you say “No More.” This will be the day of a new revolution. A day not fought with weapons of hate, but weapons of Love. On this day, we shall know: no more hate, no more war…we shall only know Peace within our Hearts, spreading more Love.


Ani Po,  in her forties, thought she followed the “right” religion, the “right” political party, the “right” work ethics…the list goes on. Until one day, she heard a voice…a voice as if brought by the wind. This voice spoke to Ani Po with a question…”Do you want to know the truth?” She replied, puzzled, “what do you mean the truth?” As a young pilgrim filled with Ego-consciousness, she knew only the reality that she grew up into.


Intrigued by this question she asked again, “What do you mean the truth?” With a swift whisper, carried by the wind, she heard “You have been sleeping for forty years, I think it is time for you to arise from your sleep.”


“What do you mean?” Ani Po asked.


“You have been living a lie. You have been told your religion was the only way to paradise, you were told your political party had the best interest of the people, you were told to work your fingers to the bone, you were told to stone others who do not follow your beliefs…” Ani Po quickly interrupted this voice, as if she heard all she could take.


The voice continued, ignoring Ani Po’s request, “Tell your Brothers and Sisters to lay down their arms, embrace the others as their Brothers and Sisters. I have witnessed enough pain and suffering by my children and no longer want my children to hurt. Tell them to start Loving one another.”


Knowing what she knows now, just a few years later, Ani Po dissolved the common beliefs, adopting a higher, purposeful, belief system. It is a system of Love for all, regardless of: age, sex, sexual preference, religious beliefs, political views, working class, social class, etc. …it is an all-inclusive affair. She reflects on the voice she once heard, speaking of Love for all and releasing beliefs of old. Further reflecting on a teaching of “a narrow gate, gaining access to paradise.” She once thought this narrow gate was actually a narrow path, but now see it as a broadened path. The more vast the path, the narrower it gets. While the Warrior accepts everyone as Brother and Sister, the Pilgrim still views ‘the others’ as enemies.


What if the others threaten harm towards you and your family? It is your right to protect them. More courageously…it is your right to bless them. If we continue to see our Brothers and Sisters as enemies, that is where they shall remain. If we see them as they are, Brothers and Sisters, that is how they shall be. All parties are guilty of sinful behavior…put down the weapons of destruction and embrace the weapons of co-creation…the time for action is now.


Our actions today, will set off a chain reaction. Whether it destroys or creates, the power lay within our hands. We can continue the worldly destruction or we can choose a path of co-creation, creating a life that mirrors paradise.


Stepping into the Canvas of a new reality. With an empty canvas before us, we have the opportunity to not only paint the scenery for our own reality, but create a Domino Effect on behaviors of other “Master Artists.” This domino effect will cause a chain reaction of faith, hope and Love, instilling Peace wherever they go. More warriors shall step forward, standing firmly for peace…are you ready to lead the way?

Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas as it was the first and last. Today is a new beginning, a time for sharing everything you Love about Life. The Canvas can be dull or filled with sunshine…the choice is up to you! Whether we share clouds of grey or Rays of Sunshine, this shall be our reality for the day…which to choose?