In Between

Have you ever been in a situation where you know something great is on its way, but you have to remain in a current situation? A situation where you are already checked out or they have already checked you off? Just as in Oh! The Places You Will Go, by Dr. Seuss, you find yourself in a most unpleasant place…the waiting place.


In between here and there,

The Darkness and Cold roll in.

No longer afraid,

But yet Alone the same.

An ending is near,

Beginning thereafter.

The Warrior steps in,

Only to step out.

She leaves behind Seeds,

Of Faith, Hope and Love.

Whether they grow,

Is no longer Her care.

It is time to move on,

More seeds to plant.

More Love,

More Peace.

It is time Share the Light once more.

The Warrior awaits,


For the next task.

She is no longer here or there,

Remaining In Between.

Time will be soon,

To begin again.

Spreading Love from Here,

To there…and everywhere In Between.

Stepping into the Canvas remain in Love. Whether here or there or in the middle of nowhere, it is a great opportunity to share some Love with another. Even in the waiting place, Love is needed. Whether they have written you off or the niceties have run dry…remain in Love…spreading even more Love during your stay in the place of “In Between…”

Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas with an open mind. Often adopting a belief system, handed down from generation to generation, filled with dogma and doctrine…Dare to throw it all away. Seeing the world with a new set of eyes. If you need a reminder, feel free to tape this phrase up where it is most visible…”I am open to new ideas and shall see the world with a fresh pair of eyes. Seeing not with eyes of flesh, but with eyes of spirit…”