Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas with ‘No Worries.’ In life there things we have control over, leaving no reason to worry…because we have everything in control. Secondly, there are things in life clearly out of our control. If they are out of our control, then it really does not pay to worry. Hence, all moments in life are not reserved for worry but enjoyment. Let go of the worries, take things as the come, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Beyond The Veil

When we remove the masks of who we thought we should be, getting to our authentic selves, we find whom we truly are. Often times we put on a pretend persona to appease another person. Sometimes we wear multiple masks depending the circumstances. It is time to remove the veil that covers our true identity.

We can spend our whole life appeasing others, but never find happiness or we can appease ourselves and live happily ever after. A word of caution…when one steps out of the ordinary , they borderline extraordinary. Often the others see the extraordinary as crazy…ignore them and be totally and one hundred percent authentic…you!

Pretending to be someone you are not…only leads to pain and misery…Just be you!

Stepping into the Canvas as an original. There is no other like you and there are no numbered copies of you. No matter the interpretation, no matter the gallery you find yourself in, be your authentic self. No one else can do it quite like you…you are a masterpiece!