Creating a Syncrosensational Day

Recently, sitting with a circle of friends sharing intimate moments of life, we shared something that made us feel magnificent. One person was so caught up in the moment, she described what made her feel magnificent and stuttered between synchronicity and sensational. Stopping her and having her recite what she just said…What makes me feel Syncrosensational is this…

It is moments like this, we have an opportunity to share our deepest secrets while creating the life we want. In these moments…thoughts become things, our own reality is defined by syncrosensational moments. The group thought the word fitting and hopes it goes viral. May you all have syncrosensational moments throughout your days…

A long and contemplative look at the stars

suggests to a thoughtful person the need of shining in his own place, a

t her own magnitude, and with his or her own hue.

~Harold E. Kohn

Being open to new encounters and new ideas, we find ourselves experiencing more magical moments of feeling magnificent. It is in these moments we define our reality. When sharing conversation with another, there is bound to be magic each and every time…if parties are open to it. Often times we need reminding of being open to new ideas, so here was our reminder…

We might do well to write out an affirmation

and hang it over our desk or over the kitchen sink: 


~Dan Custer

Being open to change, one is bound to have a magical moment each and every day. Being open to change is an invitation for being in awe.

Stepping into the Canvas Open to Change. It is in the openness we find closure; we find peace, love and tranquility. It is vast and within reach…we need only be open to new ideas. Be open and you are bound to have a Syncrosensational day!

Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas with proper tools. Whatever the day may bring, ready for the day. While remaining in the flow of things, gather necessary tools. Just as a painter needs a brush; writer a pen; musician an instrument, we are to have necessary tools for the day. If we are to have peace and Love in our day, we need Peace in our soul and Love in our Heart. Whatever the tools needed, we cannot steer wrongly with Love in our Hearts…