It is said that Friday is the favorite day of the week. Is it partial to working so hard during the week, struggling to meet deadlines and completing unfinished tasks by weeks end? Anticipating letting loose over the weekend? For many this is the norm, but the flip side to this…the dreaded Monday which follows.
A friend once expressed his dislike for Mondays, declaring he ‘always’ has a horrible time on Mondays. Ani Po does not understand this concept as she sees everyday as a beautiful day, appreciating the fact that each new day is a gift and should be experienced submerged in gratitude. Monday is not guaranteed, just as Friday is not. The reason Ani Po does not dread Monday…she treats everyday the same. She lives life to the fullest, offering help when possible while remaining in gratitude. This attitude is not easy for her friend, as he asks, “How can you be happy so early on a Monday morning?”
Note: Our friend confronts Ani Po at five in the morning, with temperatures of twenty below zero.
Ani Po: “Easy…I just am. It is a glorious day!”
Friend: “How is it a glorious day?”
Ani Po: “When you went to bed last night, did you give thanks for another wonderful day? Did you give thanks for the many lessons life has to offer? Did you just assume you would arise to another day?”
Friend: “No. Not really. Of course.”
Ani Po: “Well in baseball you would be out, because that is three strikes. First, we should always live in a state of gratitude. Just the air we breath today is a miracle in it’s own. The lessons, good or perceived bad, all led us here to the present. If we have an open mind and a heart of gratitude, we would accept the lessons before us….giving more thanks. The next day is not guaranteed. We must give thanks for another day, while remaining hopeful for another.”
Friend: “This is not necessary.”
Ani Po: “Ah, the flesh speaks. When we live from the flesh, we shall remain in misery. Remaining in flesh we witness only suffering in the world, but live “in-spirit” and we shall see only the good in all things. Monks used to refer to this as prayer of an unceasing mind. To be in-spirit is to be inspired.”
Friend: “But what about my bad days?”
Ani Po: “Simply change them to another day. If Monday’s are your worst days, make them Tuesday!”
Friend: “So you are saying that I should pretend my days are that of another?!”
Friend: “Then why not make everyday Friday?”
Ani Po: {smiling now}”Yes! Why don’t you? Everyday should be a Friday…Give it a try!”
Friend: “I will!”
A week passes by and the two meet again.
Ani Po: “Hello friend. How are you doing?”
“great! I am just pretending it is Friday and it is going to be the best day ever!”
Ani Po: {Smiling once again, knowing it is Monday, even colder than the last week and his friend is having a moment of truth}”This is great news…Happy Friday to you!”
They part and go on their way…one pretending it is Friday and the other…just enjoying the day.
We can all choose to live in misery or rise above the suffering…basking in happiness. Basking in happiness, we are able to get our Friday on everyday of the week if we choose. People may look at us crazily but at least we are happy. People may accuse us of living in fantasy land…better to create a happy place than a miserable one.
It is better to be crazy, than to be a fool.
Stepping into the Canvas as if everyday is Friday, Eliminating “Manic Mondays.” Eliminating the manic Mondays, we begin to see each day as a new beginning and we see “All is Good.” Happy Friday…it’s the new Monday! This coming Monday, give it a whirl…
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