Boom,Boom! Ain’t It Great To Be Crazy?!

Boom, Boom! Ain’t it great to be crazy. Boom, Boom! Ain’t it great to be nuts like us? Silly and foolish all day long…boom, boom, ain’t it great to be crazy! Oh, how I remember this song as a kid. Never really understood the meaning behind the song, but it presents itself today.


When we were children, we thought nothing more of having. As adults we tend to lose that playfulness of our childhood. Somewhere in our responsibilities, we sacrifice the most important aspect of life…having fun. Why? Too busy? Or is it out of fear of being different from the rest?


Ani Po used to worry what people would think, often holding back what she wanted to say or do. Knowing what she knows now, she lets it fly. Over the course of time, Ani Po acknowledged a notification system within. Spirit would often nudge her to do something, but flesh would get in the way. For example…she would hear an inner voice that says, “go to them and lend them a hand.” Ani Po used to ignore this voice, until she recognized her manifesting physical pain whenever she did not do what this voice called me to do. Now Ani Po listens to this voice within and finds herself in precarious situations at times…loving every minute of it!


If the excuse is too busy for having fun, then make time! Schedule it in your day! The secret to happiness, is having fun in our daily lives. Spice it up a bit! If we have commitments with work or even children, we can be even more productive if we take time to have fun. With studies proving this fact, we still have people trapped within their “busy” schedules.


What good are we to the others,

if we ourselves are trapped in the mundane?

~Muhammad Yusuf


Are you afraid to be yourself because it is not what society tells you to be? Dare to be yourself! Look around in this world, how is being like every one else working out? They are suffering all around us. This suffering is not meant for us to join the misery. Instead we are to rise above this misery, seeing “our world” as a peaceful, loving place. Think of it as your own personal bubble. In your bubble, you are free to do what you want, live how you want, love freely. Yes, in your world, soon, nothing ever will go wrong.


Ani Po recently had a conversation with her mother and her mother accused her of being delusional. “You can’t possibly see the world as hunky-dory, when there is war, senseless killing, and oodles more of suffering around you.”


Ani Po replies, “Suffering is always going to be present, just as happiness will always be present. How I live my life is which path I choose to follow. I could choose to live in misery, joining millions who already do or  I can be a part of the one percent who sees happiness on a daily basis…spreading even more happiness.”


Her mother continues, “you are dreamer and I am a realist. I see things how they are and take necessary precautions.”


“Yes mother, this a true…you are a realist, but so am I. Just because I see things differently doesn’t make me any less a realist as you. The difference is this…suffering and happiness will always be present, it is the basic law of balance. Which side I choose to follow is my choice. Suffering will always be present, but I do not have to bath in the misery. Instead, I can send those in suffering a silent blessing. As for me, I choose to life in happiness. We can be a realist, but we can choose to live on the non-active side of infinity or we can choose to live on the active side of infinity. The choice is ours.” They continued to disagree and Ani Po just smiled, sending her mother silent blessings.


A dreamer shall remain in the dream,

but a visionary shall live it.



Stepping into the Canvas with a little bit Crazy. Listen to the voice within and the voices of the outer world, allowing yourself to be happy and free. People may accuse you of being delusional, say thank you. People may talk about, doesn’t matter. People may even try to trip you up, bless them! We all want happiness, stay the course and listen for a pilgrim who asks, “how do you do it? I want what you want.” at that point extend your hand and show them The Way…


Stepping Beyond the Canvas

Stepping beyond the canvas is about seeing Life as something far greater than our conditioned lives and making appropriate shifts to align ourselves with a higher power…one of Love. We were taught  happiness comes from going to school, establishing a career and living the American Dream by purchasing our own home. While achieving all of this something still remains missing. What is this void we all yearn to fill? It is the void of Truth. The void of Truth is the empty feeling we have when we continually seek more of something that gives us a false sense of goodness.

We get a house, a couple of cars and maybe some nice little toys. We are happy for a moment, but continue to battle bouts of depression, anger, fear and sadness. Something is still missing.

Walking in the Flesh, the Orgasm lasts a mere Second.

Walking in Spirit…an Eternity!

The void is our lack of belonging, happiness or self-actualization of being ‘On Purpose.’ We must learn to accept happiness no matter the circumstance and see silver-linings in every cloud. Finding a sense of belonging, even when we do not…that is the struggle. Continually trying to fit in, with a delusion that our happiness is found there. The secret is…we all belong and our happiness comes with a mere choice. When we arrive at a level of pure happiness, we arrive at the level of Love.  At this level…All Things are Possible.

“Never look up to the people who have the painted-perfect lives,

because try as they might,

can never see beyond the canvas.”~Moira Hallsom

It is possible to have it all: the big house, loving family, more money than we know what to do with, but meaningless without finding happiness. People try to buy happiness, but as I stated earlier “As we walk in flesh, the Orgasm lasts for a mere second.” Walking in flesh focuses  on meeting the lower of Maslows Hierarchy of needs: Physical pleasures, while walking in Spirit focuses on higher needs of self-actualization. Find Happiness, enjoying all that life has to offer. Once established, we can co-create the life we want. None of this matter! What matter is seeing beyond this delusion, but then taking the necessary steps towards our happiness.

Dare to Step Into the Canvas today, living the life meant to…taking an active role in creation. You are a co-creator of this beautiful place…you are the master of your Canvas.

Stepping into the Canvas we admire the beauty God has painted, accepting it for what it is while co-creating a painting to our desires. Stepping Beyond the Canvas shedding light to painted pictures and their imperfections, then applying a higher power of Love. When we see the canvas for what it truly is we accept it as imperfectly perfect, enjoying the beauty that life has to offer. Focus on our own Canvas, Painting that which we most desire.