If we were to ask any one person what they desired most, it would be happiness. Happiness is the number one priority for every human being, sadly it often takes a back seat to our busy days. Well today is the day we make it a priority…today is the day we let go of everything but our happiness.
Happiness is not anything that must be found, but merely accepted. Accepting happiness we set the stage for a syncronsensational day. We are meant to be happy, we are meant to be free.
The first step is often the most difficult, but most critical. It is the very step that puts the machine into motion. The first step is identifying what it is we want and how we go about obtaining this happiness. Again, I say to you, it is not something we find, but accept.
This first step could be identifying a stressful situation at work, an uncomfortable position working with a negative person, or it could be letting go of any self-defeating thoughts. The first step is identifying the end result.
Next we must commit to making the necessary changes in our lives, allowing action to take over. By applying our dreams to our reality, they become our new reality. Making a commitment requires changing your mind on a set belief system and applying a new set of beliefs. Are there thoughts “I’m not pretty enough” or “I am not good enough?” What ever the identifier is in your life…see it, label it and change it to a new belief…that of something more positive. We are good enough, we are beautiful enough and we shall no longer ask “why me?” Instead, it shall be…Why not you?
Committing to happiness, we set into motion the necessary steps. We may post notes or little reminders around the house. Notes that remind us of our goals. We may paint or draw a vision board or write a daily journal or log about our intended goals for that day…which ultimately leads to the final goal of eternal happiness.
By writing it in a journal or a log or creating a vision board, we are committing our goals and etching them into stone. The more we place these little reminders in plain sight, the better the chance of becoming a reality. Seeing happiness and feeling it with every cell in our body, we change our thoughts into a new reality. Our thoughts become things by literally altering every neurofiber within our brain. In doing so, we are etching our new reality into stone.
1. Identify the area of need
2. Commit to making a change.
3. Take the necessary Steps.
4. Write it in stone.
5. Witness…and so shall it be.
Ultimately, to find happiness, we must merely accept it, but whatever we desire in our lives we believe that it shall be so. In doing so, we are feeling it with our whole being, and we are witnessing our own miracles take form. In witnessing…we shall know it to be true.
Stepping into the Canvas taking necessary steps. In doing so, we commit to a new belief system…one of truth. We see it, we feel it…we know it to be true. Believing in our own happiness, we set in motion the necessary steps towards our end goal. Take the necessary steps, commit to change and write them in stone…leading to a syncrosensational day…each and every day.

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