In Death We Find Life

With the death of a friend it can be very saddening and maybe even disheartening. This past week was one of those for me. I received a call from a friend that one of our friends had passed and services were being arranged. As if one wasn’t enough I received another call…another friend has passed.

The first call was saddening, but then the second hit home. Reality sank in on the second ring…we have no expiration date and can expire at any given moment. This message is not meant to bring grief to myself or anyone else, but remind you that we are here to live. Life is too short to argue over a remote control or yell at someone for doing something wrong. The truth of the matter…Life is too short to be anything other than happy!

With suffering all around, we are easily reminded of its reality…but this does not mean we have to dwell in it. Accept the suffering but get on with your life! Live it as if today was the last! What if today was your last? What would you do? Think about it for a moment and then shift your daily consciousness as if it were so.

Stepping into the Canvas with Purpose to Live. We are not meant to sit and rot away or indulge in processed foods. No! We are meant to enjoy the finer life the Canvas has to offer. Get outside today and go for a walk, a run, or just be in the moment of stillness. Whatever the case, enjoy the Canvas as simply as possible. It does not have to be complicated, it does not have to be filled with a schedule every second of the day. Just for today…throw the schedule away and Live today as your finest day ever! Enjoy the Canvas…

Finding Light Within The Darkness

We cannot understand up without defining down; right and left; in and out. Similarly it is the Darkness that often shows us the Light. Within our own Darkness Shines a Light of Hope.
This is not duality but a whole…as one cannot exist without the other. Stepping into the Canvas, there is always potential for Light within the Darkness…

Whatever ones given situation presents a possibility to see only the lighter side of things. Even death, as saddening as it may be, there is always good to be found whilst not always easy to find. See the silver-lining in every cloud and paradise shall be yours. Caution: people will also accuse you of being crazy or even delusional. Simply ask them how their life is…and then ask them how that is going.

The majority of people live under one giant bell-curve, following the rest of the people while spinning their wheels on how to get out of the bell-curve. The goods news…you are not in this curve…you are on the outskirts of this bell-curve and may even shift the curve! Dare to shift the bell-curve towards the Lighter Side of Infinity…allowing others to get just one more glimpses of Hope for all Humanity.

Stepping into the Canvas in Darkness. Allow yourself to travel in darkness, closing your eyes to that around you. Entering the sacred space within, we see a flickering Light waiting to shine. This is the Light of Hope that will Light the way in darkened times. Be still, embrace the darkness only for moment…Now grasp the Light, allowing it to brighten the days ahead…Love, Light and Life.