Stepping into the Canvas with Value of the Sacred Self. While valuing each person as sacred, created in the image and likeness of God, we give worth and meaning to each person’s life further lending Happiness along our travels. Focus on happiness through our travels and not the destination. Lend a hand when needed, taking care of the self. If the self is worn and broken, what good is the service to others. Heal thyself first…valuing the sacred self.
Monthly Archives: August 2012
From Broken To Wholeness
In the morning of our Lives, we vicariously live through the collective consciousness of the greater whole. Until we come to a point where our contemplation becomes to great to miss. Somewhere between the morning of our lives and afternoon of our lives we contemplate our very existence, wishing, hoping for a better life. Sadly their are those who never stop to think of how they got to the current status, viciously breaking down the heart of the soul.
Those who continue to live vicariously for the greater whole, live in misery until their last breath. Those who declare enough, contemplating their next chapter in life, chances are they will find what they are looking for…chances are they will find true happiness. True happiness is that which comes from nothing else but the notion that all is good. True happiness comes from being as authentic as authentic will allow.
Being open to one’s true self, takes courage…for once you step onto the path of Warrior…everyone, even family, will declare you insane. Sadly, those who do the finger-pointing are still within the false self…sheltered by a collective conscious of the greater whole. Take a good look at the greater whole…how is that consciousness working out? Thankfully, those who are reading this have changed their thought process to that of self-actualization.
Through self-realization, we come to a place of caring not of what others may think, or say, or do…we come to a place of pure happiness. In happiness we are freed of self-judgment, freeing us from judging others. When a street person asks for money, we instinctively give what we can. Questioning not of what the money will be spent on, but merely to satisfy a need of another human being.
Ani Po emerges, from the movies, with her two children and are met by Terry, a pan handler looking for money. Does it matter if it’s for beer, food, or medicine? What matters is…Terri needed something and Ani Po, with her children, had what he needed…no strings attached. As the street-person began telling Ani Po why he needed money, Ani Po interrupted him, “I do not need to know. I just need to know how much you need. If it is within my ability, I will give what you need.”
How often do we, as humans, expect to teach someone a lesson of life by forcing our beliefs onto another? As hard as it may be, we must not attach expectations when assisting another. What is that they want? Do we have what they need? Can I part with it? If the answer is yes to these questions, then why not offer it up?
Our basic needs are this: food, water, shelter. While many of us have these basic needs, there are many who struggle for these to be met. There rest of the masses still seek safety, a sense of belonging and self-esteem. Many will find these, but sadly there are those who will remain in the dark until that last breath. To reach self-actualization, one most pass the basic needs with a knowing that All is Good.
We have all shed blood,
now we must come together,
mending a broken heart.
~Ani Po
This broken heart…is our own. How do we fix that which has been broken? One can merely accept it…and they live happily ever-after or they chip away at the excess placed for their entire lives. Chipping away the excess may be difficult and may need special tools or they need only move forward in Love. Through willingness and intent, we can begin taking necessary steps and take necessary actions towards change.
Change our thoughts, Change our Life.
~Wayne Dyer
It is through our thoughts of intention that our lives shall surely change forever. Our intent must be focused merely on what we want…and not what we do not. First, accepting who we are and loving every step that has led to the now, we come to a place of self-love, self-peace and self-actualization. We must learn to feel comfortable once again, in our own skin. We must feel comfortable alone with ourselves. We must…Breathe.
“It is of practical value to learn to like yourself.
Since you must spend so much time with yourself
you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.”
~ Norman Vincent Peale
Stepping into the Canvas afraid and broken. Give ourselves permission to be broken, only to seek wholeness once more. It is through our broken-ness that we shall find wholeness; through our darkness, we shall find Light; from nothing, we find everything. Accepting the broken, we are on the fast-track to being of mend. Let go of the guilt, the baggage of yesterday…grab onto an awe-inspired life…grab onto Love.
With my own two, I paint the Canvas to fit my needs.~Ani Po
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