Love and Respect Intertwining Humanity

Love and respect intertwine us, guide us…showing us the Way.~Ani Po

We can choose whatever path we wish, but ultimately Love and respect are the keys to unlocking unlimited potentiality. Through Love and Respect, we transform the self and ultimately transform the community or world around us. The keys to paradise reside with changing one person soul…that person being our own.

love and respect intertwine us

Knowing the Way


We never really know what sort of impact we make during our lifetime. Then one day an unexpected visitor arrives at our door, giving thanks for showing them the way.

My son, when he was eight years of age, began playing football for the Nicole Jr. Knights. As a parent it is only natural we try to push our children to excel and surpass our every dream. The catch to this…we go to far.  I chose to be a silent observer, doing my best to only give praise…allowing him to take his own path.

We are here to guide our kids to the best of our abilities, but the single most important ingredient is assurance that we love them. Children need love to grow and excel, as do we. (Universe speaks in irony as I write these words. Just as I am writing about giving love to our children, a mother walks in front of my car. Obviously, they are late for the kick off meeting as she scolds her son for being late and visibly humiliating him. Where is the love?)

Back when Callahan started football, it took everything in my power not to fall victim to the pressures of excelling our child. Then God winks, introducing Keith to our family. From the moment I met Coach Keith, I knew Cal would get the inspiration he needed. Coach Keith is different then the rest of the coaches…he is positive and uplifting, pushing these boys to be the best of the best, not for the pressures of winning on the field but excelling in life.

The first day Cal met Coach Keith, he bragged about him, stating “Dad he is just like you!He pushed us hard, even when we were giving up he didn’t” Whew…I love him already!

Three years after Cal started his path of football, we learned that coach Keith is moving on. As a Father I assure you this is a difficult time for his family, torn by leaving the memories of being in a larger family and uncertainties of the next chapter.

Not only difficult for Coach Keith’s family but the families and lives he touched along the way. I know for certain that Cal will share sadness, but my hopes are the best for Cal, the Jr. Knights and the lives that Coach Keith will touch along the way.

Behind every successful man, is an inspiring woman. Coach Keith is living proof of what matters most…family. With Beth at his side and whether she knows it or not, it was her wisdom shared, that pushed Keith to be the man he was. There is no “I” in team…what a team they make!

How do you face adversities of life? Do you run, giving up on your dreams? Or do you charge forward with conviction that it will be so? Whatever your path, it is yours to choose…whichever you choose you are always right on time. ~Joseph

Reflecting on the passion of coach Keith, I am reminded of my daily choices. I can choose to fall victim to what life has to offer or choose to rise to the occasion of endless opportunities. I am not perfect, my life is not as perfect as most see, but it is through my choice to revel in the details of life versus dwelling on them.

Even I have moments of “what am I doing?” “Oh whoa is me.”  these moments are fewer with each new day and assuredly there is not a day that passes where I do not receive a “thank you for being in my life.” Humbly, I am so grateful for the ups and downs of my life, the challenges that face me everyday…staying the course I am lifted to more peaks than valleys.

The peaks get greater and higher than the last, leaving me in awe at the path I have traveled. The same is left for you, whether you like it or not…you can choose to feel the world is against you or it is conspiring in your favor. I hope you choose the latter.

Removing our emotions is an intricate part of our growth. If we allow our emotions to rule us, we will submit to them every time. Detach, just for a moment, from the activity or challenges our lives present and we will clear the cloud blocking the source of light. Further…our detachment allows a clearer thinking to come forth, aiding in our decisions we make. Whatever the dilemma, it is cleared with our detachment, aiding in brighter decisions to be set in motion.

Whatever the decisions, we mustn’t worry about the outcome but remain focused on our goals. We think things should go one way or the other, but the universe will always get us to our end goals…often diverting us towards another direction. Look not to the pieces given us, but the puzzle that is assembled. Staying the course we will witness that we have known the way all our lives…we merely forgot the way.

Staying our course, without expected outcomes, we will arrive to that place of Knowing the Way. Knowing the Way, we stand steadfast to what matters most…our own happiness.

This is not a selfish truth but a selfless one. As we grow ourselves, those closest to us will inadvertently follow. As our families grow, we extend this knowledge into the communities, allowing more growth to take place. It is said that we have the ability to change the world one person at a time…that person is the self.

Remember those who come into your lives, changing things for the better, I know i will as I give thanks for the many Keith and Beth’s that enter into our families lives.

Stepping into the Canvas Knowing the Way. Whether we truly know for sure, we have faith that will keep us on the path. Through faith, we are introduced to hope. With Hope, we find Love. Through Love we learn to love again at the individual level, extending out into the Canvas of Life.
