The Longest Journey

The shortest distance to enlightenment is from the mind to the heart, yet the longest journey we may take.~Ani Po

We spend most of our day on auto-pilot forgetting what really matters. It is our own self-worth that remains the most important. Going inward we find true happiness, connecting the pathway to the soul. Take the time to go inward…watch the world around give rebirth to a new reality…

the longest journey

Eagle and Condor Fly Once More

eagle and condorThe Native Americans have a prophecy that one day the Eagle and Condor will fly together. In doing so, it is said that peace shall be restored. Is it a global event or does it happen on the level of the self? Either way it is a prophecy of hope for humanity.

Just as in all the prophecies, revelations, etc., we come to a place of self-knowing. When the eagle from the upper realms, meets the condor of the lower realms we are made united as one. Just as in the male-female positive-negative, we become one. Becoming One, balanced in harmonic development…we shall know peace and love.

As the seven realms of the higher planes of Divinity are greeted with the lower realms, like an hourglass, we are the focal point of the Now with the hours of time above greets the hours of time below. As we meet in the middle, the Zero-Point of time, we give forth the ability to turn our world upside down…changing our reality. As we change the way we see things, our reality in time is turned upside down…No longer following the hours of time of the flesh, but following timeline of spirit.

Sitting contemplating our reality, we see endless possibilities, possibility of an alternate Universe…one filled with Love and Peace. At the Level of the Self, extending to the greater whole. No matter what the world throws at us, we stand unified in the Greater Good…I Am.

Stepping into the Canvas with time on our side, we set out in a whole new Light. Stepping gently, lovingly…giving Hope to a broken reality. We are not responsible for any one person, but our self. Finding oneself, we find another sitting in need…reaching for a hand…extending ours in return.

Namaste <3
