Thinking Big For 2014

Preparing for the New Year, we gather our thoughts and wishes for our vision board of 2014. The skies the limit…the further we reach assuredly we shall land amongst the stars. What will it be? What will be your wish for the new year.

As we close 2013 and look to 2014, we must remember to think big. As the picture identifies…we are what we think…Think Big! I know the importance of setting goals and imagery that goes along with it is as equally as important. Stepping Into the Canvas was a thought at one time, whose time had come with next steps to be revealed as it grows. While my hopes are for the readers to ultimately achieve self-mastery, there is still more to the Canvas.

The Canvas of Life has no boundaries, leaving us limitless. An important factor whilst playing in the Canvas, is whether we are enjoying ourselves or not. We have discussed the first steps towards happiness, but often times we sabotage ourselves into thinking we cannot do something. By applying some basic tools towards happiness, the next steps have begun.

A vision board is a good start or even a journal with ‘task items.’ Keeping these items in plain view allows them to be ‘in your face’ and at the forefront of your thinking. When something is at a constant, the thoughts are at a constant. When your thoughts are at a constant, your brain begins to remap the neuro-fibers that drive your reality.

When developing a vision board, do we think small or think big? The sky is the limit here…Think Big! ”Aim small, Miss small.”~The Movie Patriot…this phrase is true. When we set our aim at something small, we will surely get small. The opposing is true as well…Think Big, obtain Big.

So…when you are thinking ahead to 2014, applying your ‘New Year’s Resolution,’ remember to Think Big!

Shoot for the moon.

Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

~Brian Latrell

Stepping into the Canvas with thoughts of Thinking Big. Wherever our thoughts, that is where they will be. If they are aligned with small thoughts, they will yield small returns. If aligned in a big way…they will pay off bigger returns.

Today each member of my family is writing three goals for the New year. Not just goals, but tangible and measurable goals. They are specific and they are our own. Sometime today we will send one copy of these goals up in flames…as to carry them out into the Universe, while the other copy will be posted in plain sight…holding us accountable for our actions.

However your goals are set or where they are posted to see, may they be Larger than Large and may they come true… Thinking Big for 2014!


Worry Not About Your Tomorrow

Worry not about your Tomorrow, for it takes joy away from today.~Ani Po

If we continue to dwell on what may or may not happen tomorrow, we run the risk of missing the beauty of today. Focus on today only and revel in the details it has to offer…for tomorrow may never come…

beauty of today