Follows The Right Path

Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.~Marcus Aurelius

We all yearn to know, but fail to make necessary changes within our lives. Taking a little time and making a bit of effort, we assuredly will find what our longing is. When taking the necessary time, it is a eureka moment and we just know what it is we shall do next. Taking the time, that first step passed our fears of the unknown, we arrive in a place of knowing…

Follows the Right Path

Make It So

I could sit here all day and ponder or I can go make it so.~Ani Po

Each new day we have an ability to make things happen. Sitting pondering why we have not yet or where we are going, we are left sitting. Getting up and making it happen, it inadvertently will become so. With thoughts in our heads, we know what to do…go now…make it so…Make it so