Our Souls Blossom

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.~Marcel Proust

With many encounters throughout our day, whether a single word makes or breaks our spirits, it is those who raise us up whom plant a flourishing seed within us all. Worry not about those who nay-say but those who cherish the ground we walk on. The Canvas of Life is not meant to be planted in haste, but in steady pace of the divine within…

Marcel Proust

Our Canvas Once Blank, Awaits Our Additions

Our Canvas once blank, awaits our additions…our creative forces.~Ani Po

Everyday is a new day. Everyday is an opportunity to create the Canvas is we see fit, choosing appropriate colors, appropriate strokes. Once blank, it now fills our imagination to our liking. If the Canvas is tainted with obscurities, maybe a new layer is in need…

Our canvas once blank