Our Greatest Reward or Our Own Doom

Karma can be our greatest reward or our own doom.~Ani Po

That which we put out into the world returns to us ten-fold. If we continue to poo-poo others, we assuredly will be poo-poo’d. This does not mean we will not be, even by our own actions, but will allow us a sense of freedom from being the one to poo-poo another. Heaven knows we need more praise and less dismissal of others.

Stepping into the Canvas lifting the world around me, setting out to make a more peaceful, loving world…


Towards the Source of Light

We can chase our shadows of doubt or we can turn our attention towards the source of Light, leaving our shadows behind us forever. ~Ani Po

Our shadows have ability to shine brightly, as the source of Light, through which awareness and mindfulness is achieved. Remain in the shadows and that is where we remain. Turning attention towards source energy, we receive lessons of acceptance for all (you, me, he, she, we, they): Acceptance for all ironies of life, finding humor in the ironic behavior of man.
