Grow Towards the Heavens

All things Living…will change. Some will grow towards the heavens, others decay into oblivion.~Ani Po

Truth of the matter is this…some will take every step as a learning experience, allowing more growth into their lives. While others will merely follow the crowd, creating a slow and decaying lifestyle. From the moment we arise in the morning, to the time we retire for the day…every step within the Canvas of Life, is a golden opportunity of growth…

grow towards the heavens


Among the Things You Only Hoped For

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.~Epicurus

Gratitude attitude is all we need. The more we exercise appreciation for the things we have and the places we have gone, the more The Law of Attraction works on our behalf. Try it today…give thanks for the many blessings within your life…see what happens..
