This afternoon, after leaving work earlier than usual, I asked my son what I should write about. His response was so perfect…”be simple.” This message coincides with a dear friends message today, as He spoke of being nicer to people.
While the message is rather complex as to how we may arrive in this place of simplicity, it is rather easy to do. The key to life is simplicity: being nice to one another, being respectful to mother nature, loving freely without judgment. Simple is The Way…complexity is the illusion that we cannot be simple.
Our lives may be complex by societal design, but it does not mean we have to get angry at another person for having varying opinions or interpretations. Our system eludes to this disease, but does not mean we cannot be at ease. I use the word disease, because this disease trumps all other diseases and is the meaning behind the other diagnosis.
We are in disease, because we are no longer at ease with the self, others, our current situations. It is time to change that as the momentum continues to grow. There will be those attempting to stop us, but it cannot be so. They may take our lives, but our spirit is a force to be reckoned with.
Whatever the current situation of one’s life, we are all given a choice to accept it or change it. Which will you choose? Will you choose to be a victim or will you choose to rise above the others?
There is no right or wrong answer…merely a choice.
Stepping into the Canvas is simply as simple may be, loving freely, lending a hand, sharing a smile. As stated by a friend, “The world needs more Loving people to show that Love is a beautiful thing…and it costs us nothing…”

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