Whether personal or other peoples’ issues tainting our sights on a blissful day, there is always an opportunity to return to ‘that’ peaceful place where nothing can bring us down. We all have those moment, even I do, where we are tested for our strength or perseverance of peace.
When I am tested, I retrieve quickly into my space. Space of healing and Loving Light. This is a place where our dreams are nurtured, reality is transformed and peace is restored. It is a magical place created by all…on an individual level or collective.
While being challenged by personal dilemmas of the day, I am called upon by a friend whom is having an equally or greater challenge of the day. Quickly I enter my space of happiness, asking “how may I be of assistance?”
I don’t know what to do. My wife says I have changed and she is afraid I might leave her. I have tried everything, but nothing seems to be working.
What do you mean you have tried everything?
I mean..I have tried to shower her with gifts, picking up extra chores, doing my part..but she doesn’t understand what I am going through.
Maybe you should stop trying and merely assure her you are in for the long haul?
I have tried that. I tell her how much she means to me everyday, but she fails to acknowledge.
By acknowledge, do you mean you expect her to return the loving kindness you display?
Sorry my friend it does not work that way. We must give without expectations of anything in return. Doing something out of the blue for your spouse is great and often heartfelt, but if it is conditional than it loses its face value.
Then what am I to do?
Nothing. Keep on your path and allow her to be on hers. You both are on your own paths with hopes of remaining together on similar paths. We all have our own timing of things and we aught to keep patient for those lagging behind. I do not mean lagging behind in a sense of you are further along on your path and she is behind…you are merely on your own timing of things. Patience…she will catch up. Further, she may even pass you?!
But I can’t take it anymore! I am mentally drained nd now physically I am bending over with lower back pain and experiencing hemorrhoids for the first time. This is not a small issue either! The little sucker is a golf-ball sized hemorrhoid!
I see. A dear friend of mine reminded me of the comical lessons the Universe often give us and he would probably say “Looks to me like the Universe is trying to tell you to stick it out?!”
You mean I created physical pain to coincide with mental stress?
Yep! We often create a psycho-somatic response to our psychic dilemmas, manifesting them into a physical sense. Your hemorrhoid is merely a reminder to stick it out no matter how painful it gets.
When will it go away?
As soon as you accept the pain as real, allowing it to pass. Allowance of our own pain-bodies, allows an alchemical response within the self. In our acceptance of our given situations, we instinctively move on in a brighter fashion. Meaning…feel it and let it go, return to what matters most…thine own happiness.
I don’t know but will give it a try.
My dear friends dilemma was finally accepted and physical pain subsided. Just as his pain-body taught him a valuable lesson, we too can learn from the pain we endure. Allowing it to manifest, but then asking it to take a step aside. Assuredly, it all passes with time…allowing us to return to what brings us happiness.
But what if my friends dilemma did not subside? What if his pain only got worse? What if the external factors are too great for his own capability to attaining peace? I am reminded of this lesson by another’s example…some times it is best to just walk away and start fresh.
While I do not recommend walking away every time things get difficult, I do recommend finding joy within the self. Whatever happens with the other person, it is their own choice to find peace with or continue searching outside the realms of their own being.
We all have choice to be at peace or continue living our lives in hopes of peace. It is a choice to remain in our own peace, but it is also the other persons choice to find theirs. Whatever happens beyond that…it is written in the stars.
Stepping into the Canvas responsible for the self, for I may not please everyone, make the right decisions, or know all the answers to life’s mysteries. Assuredly I will remain in happiness…allowing others to find their own.
We are responsible for the self, thus in part holding the key to eternal happiness.~Ani Po

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