The Missing Piece

I Am the missing piece.~Ani Po

We have questions in need of answers.

We seek guidance or direction when we are lost.

We request healing when we are sick.

We yearn for Love when the world around us remains in anger.

Look inward and know that I Am there…I Am the missing piece.

missing piece



Grow Through Life

Don’t go through life, grow through life.~Eric Butterworth

It is not merely enough to go through life, but to be fully present in miraculous moments the Canvas has to offer. Whether busy in our days or kicking back in a warm embrace of nature.

With many lessons and/or miracles of life we are forced to grow in some capacity…how far we expand this growth is an individuals choice. A tree does not merely go through life, it grows into something greater than it was the day before; a chipmunk does not gather for today, but tomorrow whether it comes to fruition. We, like all things, morph through an evolution of self.

Evolution of self is about changing are perspective daily, opening ourselves to a new reality with each new day. Thereby making us not better than any one person or thing but better than we were the day prior.

Each new day, every circumstance of life, every individual brings a new opportunity of growth. Available to all, chosen by few, we have the ability to live fully in this great Canvas of Life. Choose to go or choose to grow through life…it is up to self.

Stepping into the Canvas growing through life: witnessing many miracles; experiencing many opportunities of change; having a new found excitement for the dawn of each new day. With experiences perceived good or bad, we learn from them, attach or detach from them, experience them with fresh new eyes…allowing ourselves to ebb and flow naturally as our Mother has taught us to.

growing through life