With each new day we have a choice to live as authentically as we can, ignoring the beliefs of old or accept the conditioned consciousness, remaining forever lost. Stepping into the new, creating the life we were meant to…accepting beliefs of a new era.
The first step towards happiness often proves most difficult, for we cannot let go of our old beliefs. Let go now…witness the shift towards happiness. Once the first step is taken the taste of freedom shall be your, never returning to what once was. The next step towards happiness is easier, the next even easier…and so on.
With a new outlook on life, everything will taste sweeter, smell better and we will feel freer than ever before. Listen to the voice within, for it is saying, “Now is the Time.” Take the step towards happiness with one day declaring “Ani Po.”
(*Ani Po is Hebrew for “I Am Here”)
Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the Creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in darkness or ‘Shine On’ forevermore. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. It is a new day and those beliefs no longer serve us…
This is an invitation to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary: Free to Love unconditionally; creating the life we were meant to enjoy; coming together as one. With every step towards our ending goal of happiness, we find ourselves having more sensational moments that can only be explained through synchronicity…or Syncrosensational.
The willingness to change will be the first step and is the driving force behind our journey. Our intent is what sets things in motion, with checks and balances along the way, we stay on course. Depending on our thoughts and actions, will determine if we meet our end goal or miss our mark. Giving a little wiggle room to make mistakes, making necessary adjustments, we find our way back to the intentions set forth. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes…learn from them…aligning our actions as closely to our intended goal, will assure our success in attaining this goal.
When our dreams and reality collide, it is said that we have found The Way to happiness. We may trip or stumble and, as stated before, that is ok. We must accept ourselves for being imperfectly perfect in all our encounters. In doing so, we inadvertently findacceptance for the imperfections within other people. Without acceptance the continuous judgment of self and others continues.
If we are too busy judging others, we have no time for creating our destiny. Fill our day with what we want in life…capture this moment! ~Joseph

If and when we do stumble, remain in gratitude. With gratitude in our hearts, we view challenging moments as stepping-stones towards syncrosensational moments we so clearly desire. Every day is a good time for sharing gratitude with a loved one, a friend or Creator of all existence. Whether the day is picture perfect or everything but, learn to see the silver-lining in every cloud…guaranteed it exists!
With gratitude in our hearts, we master our emotions…checking them at the door before entering the canvas of life. This awareness is the single most important guidance system that we will continue to call upon along our journey. Thich Nhat Hahn often refers to this as being in the present moment. We are here, in a given moment, experiencing this emotion or that emotion. These emotions arise, but do not have to control us. Instead use them to our advantage only, if this is not possible…kindly ask emotions to take a back seat.
With awareness comes a desire of remaining in balance. ~Ani Po
There comes a time in our journey things just don’t feel right, almost as if we were off-balance. Finding balance becomes our number one priority. Through various techniques which can be found throughout our traditions or even modern-day self-help texts, we find techniques for cleansing mind, body and spirit…returning back to balance. Returning to balance, we find ease in checking our emotions at the door of the Canvas. Note: if we are not in harmony within ourselves, how can we support harmony within our families? get in balance so that you can better serve the loved ones around you.
Practicing these steps, for the first time or daily practice, chances are they have created positive habits within the Canvas of Life. With positive shifts, we find ourselves at a place of unconditional Love. While the majority of society will declare unconditional Love is not possible, challenge them and say yes it is. Following this path, and other paths for that matter, with our whole heart and soul, and intention of finding peace within, we shall find unconditional Love. While the majority follows the path of majority, dare to cut a new path into the Canvas of Life…see what happens!
We have just followed a modern-day Eightfold path. Twenty-five hundred years ago, Siddhartha Gautama dared to challenge authorities, showing others how to attain enlightenment. Nothing has changed from then to now and is open for exploration at any time…are you willing to take the necessary steps towards enlightenment? Why not?
Traveling the eightfold path we will find ourselves at our ending goal…pure happiness. Our every encounter will be more enjoyable and our days will just seem to be syncrosensational…all the time. We shall be in awe by the mighty Canvas calling our name. Go now…live a life that was intended…live a syncrosensational life.

Willingness and Intent
When I first identified the necessity for change it was like a large two by four smacked me in the head. I was working my knuckles to the bone, walking over people and making decisions that were definitely not of the creative source. Through awareness, I identified it was time for change. Upon my awareness I began taking personal retreats, reflecting and plotting my course. This next story is a personal ‘true story’ event, when God began speaking to me directly. Please click on the link…
Our actions and thoughts will dictate whether we stay on course or get derailed from our intended journey. The basic Law of Attraction states “our thoughts become things.” Be careful with the words we speak. If there is any doubt or contradictory words, the Law of Attraction will give us exactly what we speak.
i.e. if our original intent is to find increase our financial worth but our contradicting thoughts are we do not deserve this, then the Universe will give us exactly more to doubt our reality of having an increase in financial worth.
Also, our thoughts and actions need to be specific. We need to drill-down, like a laser guided missile hits its target, to the exact intentions we seek. If we are vague with goals, then the Universe may only give us partly what we want.
i.e. We ask for love in our lives, but are faced with challenging times or person bringing us much anger in our lives. If we are not specific, the Universe may present events to teach us Love. Be specific and spell our exactly what it is we want.
Through acceptance, we magnify the force behind our intentions. As we begin to accept all things and all people as they are, releasing the attached emotions, the Universe returns more to be accepting of.
Further, and most importantly, as we accept ourselves for the imperfectly perfect being that we are, we begin to live as authentically as we were intended. Through self-acceptance we freely love ourselves, emitting this love out into the world around us.
Whether perceived good or bad, any given situation is an opportunity to express our gratitude. Gratitude for the lesson, life and all there is. As we step out into the Canvas of Life, we are given a choice to either live in gratitude or forever live in misery. We have so much to be grateful for, why focus on anything but the gifts before us. Everything is a gift…everything!
No matter the size, big or small, guaranteed there are opportunities of growth in which present themselves on a daily basis. Everything has a message and signs may appear at the most obscure times. Be open to them, be open to the process of change.
My son and I were in a bookstore and he was unsure of what book he should get. He asked my opinion, but I told him to put them down for a minute and ask for guidance. The simple act of asking for guidance opens up more possibilities of Universe coming to our aid. As he walked back to the bookshelf, one of them fell to his feet. At that very moment…he knew the answer.
Whether it is simple purging of material things or a deeper sense of cleansing the soul, we all must learn to cleanse our thoughts, purifying the pathway set before us. Through a daily practice and the awareness of, we have the ability to cleanse our soul on a moment by moment basis or grandeur level.
Taking a retreat can be beneficial to the soul. Similarly a daily journal allows us to keep track of our actions and progress with our set intentions.
Clean House. Whether literal or metaphorically speaking, it is important to take the time to Clean House.~Joseph
Checking Emotions at the Door
Our emotions will trip us each and every time. Remove the emotion, applying awareness and making effortless decisions along the way. Simply be aware of our surroundings, our actions and how people interact in the Canvas of Life…it is meant to be effortless.
If we skipped the other seven steps and come to a place of Love, we will have enough in our lives to live harmoniously for all eternity. For those who find this immediately, congratulations! For those who only know what they know…it may be necessary to travel this path.
Releasing the past, looking to the future, we are left giving more of ourselves in the present moment. Giving freely, we receive more to give away. In gratitude it is amplified exponentially.
Stepping into the Canvas with Love. In Love we intertwine our steps, potentially skipping the eightfold path. In Love all other things become details, details that have lessened meaning. In Love all things are important and carry equal value or lessons. Make the steps…but do so wholeheartedly. Step in Love and assuredly each step will be Syncrosensational.

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