We are stuck in the confines of our own reality with nowhere to turn but inward. With fear paying a visit once again, we fall short of reaching for happiness. Why? Why do we remain in our own misery?
I do not get a lot of things: personalities, beliefs, etc. but I accept them for what they are and what little we really do know. Laughing more and more at who I was, who I have become and who I am to be. The illusion was I was any different then present day and I am going to be different. I am not. Same as I was and same as I will be.
What is different? The choices I make. Choosing happiness over all else. Whether it is keeping peace in personal life or at work…I still choose happiness over all things. Letting go of being right. Letting go of knowing ‘all the answers.’ Merely…letting go…trusting All there is to provide for my vision of happiness.
Aligning with thoughts, heart and actions…happiness shall follow. It is through the gateway of the heart our dreams and intentions come alive. What is it that we want? Where do we see ourselves in one, two, five or even ten years from now?
As for me I see happiness on the horizon everyday and I run to it…Ani Po

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