The other day I found myself at another crossroads to self-healing. Letting go of even more ‘stuff,’ finding myself at “now what.” Letting go of this as well, knowing it is not necessary to worry about will become of my days but instead how am I going to enjoy.
During meditation I was shown a huge galaxy extending on for eternity, as if looking through a giant Hubble space telescope and I was seeing beginning of time. Realizing I was at the center of this galaxy, I began to take note. I was sitting in the vast openness of this galaxy and it was all spinning around me.
Looking back to childhood, reflecting on how I got to my current location in time, there was always a self-guidance about the self. Knowing self-defeating thoughts or conditioned response to how or what I should become, I let go of this self-guidance system within. Accepting it once again…I wonder what is to come.
It is strange though, as my thoughts are no longer concerned for my own but for a higher purpose, asking what is to become of those around me. For I am at the center of the Universe and Creator has given me everything needed for this day…now I see…I see a future of peace and joy.
No longer worried about what will be of self but of humanity, asking yet again…How might I serve? For it is in servitude our gifts are presented to the world around us. Remaining in our space of happiness, no matter what happens around us, we are allowing others to see there is a possibility for a brighter day ahead. I stop for a moment, from this writing, reflecting on what someone recently told me…”We are not all given a choice to choose happiness.” Continuing…”so if someone chooses not to be happy, are they damned for all eternity?”
This caused great reflection with only one solution…we all have a choice. We can choose to remain in our own reality, never seeking something brighter or we can choose to seek…seek, and we shall find. Often times with the helpfulness of another or kindness of the same, we are given hope to those brighter days. I do not believe we are damned for all eternity, we merely do not know any other way. Anger and/or fear keep us bound to a belief that there is no hope for us.
We are at the center of our own universe. If we choose to remain there, filling it with death and despair…then that is all we shall see. However, change the perspective, change the lens to reality and a new reality is born. Just as witnessed in my visions of new realities being born, the cosmos exploded…giving birth to another galaxy.
Stepping into the Canvas hovering at the center of the Universe. For in this day we are given a choice…a choice to see only our short-comings or a higher perspective of Love in all things around us. For it is in the lens we use to view our galaxy that gives us a new perspective…Ani Po

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