Our Truths Remain

Fear of attaining grandest of desires,

In itself riddled with more fear.

Remaining in untruths of own reality,

Continuing days in fear.

Speaking truths,

Falling on deaf ears.

No more deaf than our own.

Seeing truth,

Whilst failing to understand this truth.

Allowing these truths,

Understanding truth.

Our understanding remains,

In unknowing of our own understandings.

Our truths remain,

In a mysterious world of unknown.

Magical and unfolding,

Through our thoughts extending passed our own.

From nothing,

All things.

Reality is born…Ani Po

our truth remains


Choose to Change

How do I get from here to there in the blink of an eye?

How do I change reality?

How do I think life into existence?

So many questions, so much head-mind at play.

How do I change reality?
Choose to change.

Choose to think differently.

Choose to act in a new reality as it is already there.

It is time…Ani Po

Choose to Change