The Dreamer

The dreamer shall fuse night with day and day with night.~Ani Po

It has been brought to my attention that it is not necessary to know when or where we shall dream, as long as we shall dream. My response was just this, as my days are no longer of light and my nights are no longer of dark…they are left for an imagination of things to exist.

Confused as to which reality is true,seeing only one as truth. It is thought, our own ‘knowing’ of things, our reality becomes true. Connected with taught belief or connected with a deeper knowing of things? That is for the pilgrim’s journey to find. From Pilgrim to Hero in a single thought. From out to in, from I to We…




Sitting all alone,

With nobody to call me dear.

Sadness, emptiness,

With nobody to hold me dear.

There is a breath that comes from afar.

Like wind carrying thoughts of love to inner dimensions.

Sitting alone,

Something shifts my attention.

A lonely bird,

Pecking at the bark.

I wonder if she has these thoughts,

Probably not.

Then there is a voice,

As the bird speaks.

I am not alone, 

For you are sitting with me. Just as I, you are too. That squirrel, coming to feed from the bird feeder…we shall ask him.

Mr. Squirrel, are you alone?

Of course not! For there are those who leave seed and nuts, we call them human. Then there are the crows and bunnies, whom wrestle to the offering rock in hopes of a fresh morsel. Occasionally the human sits with us, but not as often as we would like.

I wonder why this is true,

Humans not surrounding with nature but concrete walls?

Pondering the words of my new friends,

Sitting alone but not really alone.

My attention focused on the birds, squirrels, crows and bunnies,

The trees, bushes, wind, clouds, morning sun, evening moon.

One sentient, two, then another,

Maybe you.

Expanding thoughts of self to a greater whole,

I am no longer alone…Ani Po