I Choose Me

Of all the people in the world I could be…I choose me.

Be true to thyself.

Ask “is this for me?”

Go when others say you cannot.

Dare to create the unknown.

Hold onto nothing…not even a single thought.

Play till heart is content…then play some more!

Sing and dance with inspiration.

Laugh and rejoice to each new day.

Of all the people in the world I could be…I choose me.~Ani Po




Breathing In Breathing Out

Come sit with me, come sing with me,
Breathing in.
Share with me, Share with you,
Breathing out.
We are one, we are freed,
Breathing in.
Casting into the wind…
Moment to moment
Breathing out.
Moments passing by at lightning speeds,
Breathing in.
How many are we going to miss?
Breathing out.
Casting into the wind…
Blink and it is gone,
Breathing in.
Another opportunity passing by.
Breathing out.
Sit and contemplate,
Breathing in.
Sit…just be…Breathing out…Casting into the wind…Ani Po