Painting a Beautiful Picture Upon the Canvas

Holding space,

Holding my own.

Sharing in Peace,

Sharing in Love.

Singing, Dancing,

And everything in between.

Flying higher,

Soaring…we are aware.

Stepping into the Canvas with new perspective, new thoughts, we just are. Holding our own, holding space for all whom we encounter. Sharing in a laugh, a song, joyous conversation…we are painting a beautiful picture upon the Canvas…Ani Po



Expanding Space in Peace and Love

Stepping out today, expanding space in peace and love.~Ani Po
Giving thanks for a new day. The sun rises to great the day, birds sing a melodious song…not because they have to, but because they just are. Similarly we look for reasons why we should or should not, instead of just being in the moment our heart calls us to be in.
Greeting the new day with a new perspective. Seeing the day as already perfect as it should be, we set foot into a new paradigm of just being. Being at peace, at ease, in love with all there is.