We Remember Moments

We do not remember days, we remember moments.~Cesare Pavese

With each new day there’s an opportunity to create ‘that’ moment. A moment to be remembered. Why not make it special?

Stepping into the Canvas, whether big or small, new or old…making every moment special. For within each step, there lay dormant a heart-print of spirit. Why not release it for all to see…sharing a moment, creating a moment…remembering today as one of ‘those’ moments? May this be a moment to remember…




The Path Of Love

The path of love shall never lead us astray.~Ani Po

Maybe this is not true?! Maybe Love can lead us astray, but where does it lead us? To a place of joy and peace?

Stepping into the Canvas choosing a path of Love. For in these footsteps there’s peace and love, thoughts and words aligned in every step. Consciously or unconsciously we shall step in love, walk in love…allowing our path to rejoice in every footstep…