Laughing at Our Own Canvas

Laughing at our own canvas…sacred space unravels.~Ani Po

Our own non-attachment to how we think or feel any given moment should be, allowing reality to co-create effortlessly through present moment, gives birth to syncrosensational.

Witnessing, sharing in experiences, giving freely of ourselves…adjoining physical and spiritual…until the Canvas of Life is a mirrors thought and action.

What we thought real remains a mystery, what was mystery now truth be told. So rigid we were in a belief having no boundaries. Shattering these boundaries…laughing once more…


Sacred Space

Finding oneself standing within sacred space.~Ani Po

What is sacred space? Can it be found in a building? Out in the forest? In a private room? The answer is yes. Sacred space does not exist in any one place but remains a state of mind. Seeing all as sacred, we enter holy ground.

Soon everything holy, everything a message from divine. Clarity in sight, sound and feeling remains of certainty. Holding space for self, community and global brotherhood, what was once a challenge, becomes a new norm.

Painted by divine, received by spirit…our Canvas of Life becomes the most sacred of spaces. Our Space…held with highest esteem remains for self…given freely at will.

Kissing the earth with every step…in peace and love…painting a new reality, new possibility for all humanity…