We spend most of our lives trying to fix things, neglecting our own self. Trying to fix situations, people, events.
Spinning, riding the roller coaster of life, trying to make things right. Until one day we sit with our own. Witnessing the thousand faces of self, whether ancestral or dogmatic learning, we walk with these faces on a daily basis. With every situation a different face steps forward, potentially projecting beliefs onto another. Until the pain becomes to great and we seek another way.
Seeing pain in our universe or a mere reflection of our inner world? We sit and contemplate once more.
The world has taught us: always pain and suffering in the world; nothing is perfect; always room for improvement. How can one person change the world around themselves? Simple…go inward, seek out the caverns of the soul.
Plucking old beliefs from our deepest of caverns, removing all that sheds more suffering outward. We cannot ignore outer world, similarly we cannot ignore inward caverns of who we are. The world is imperfect, we are imperfect…until we see through the eyes of acceptance. Through eyes of acceptance we see a world filled with All There Is…imperfectly perfect as It Is.
Accepting not atrocities of the world but learning to deal with them on a personal level. It is a daily practice of mastering self. Mastering self, we master our world. Change our self, we change the world.
Sitting once again with all the disfigured faces, we ask for healing, embracing lessons taught by each. No longer wishing to cope, but moving beyond lifetimes of pain.
Today I sit in gratitude for the pain bodies, which have taught a higher perspective in all there is. The great mystery is not outside of self but within. We are a part of this Great Mystery and we are the artists of our own Canvas of Life.
One at a time we ask the thousand faces to come forward, bowing to them, releasing them into the cosmos. Thank you for the great teachings, thank you for showing the way.
Healing a thousand faces does not happen by disregarding or ignoring our pain. Healing a thousand faces requires our ability to accept them for who or what they are…moving forward peacefully and lovingly, maintaining a sacred space within our every moment of the day. Healing a thousand faces, bowing before thee…Ani Po

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