Awakened Eternal Flame

Oh to the sleeping bear

Waiting for awakened kiss

Sprinkled with love

Gentle whispers and a wish

Spoken words of hearts true love

Answered in native tongue

Conversing until dawns sweet memory


Awakened eternal flame

Take my hand

Joining forevermore


Shivers down my spine

Observing greatness

Reborn into the night.

~Ani Po

We Remember

This mornings conversation with two owls. One of the wisest and one of playful sort. We spoke for a few and gifted me a song. Singing medicine of the owl…it just flowed.

Singing to my two friends both flying overhead in thanks.

Morning coffee was that of hearing two sides of our Universal Love and allowing it All to be heard.

Non-attached…just bearing witness.

Sharing this medicine as we move forward…this is my gift to you. We remember. Bo Shnee ta Way.

~Ani Po