Law of Divine Oneness

Just as every one and every thing on this planet influences our day, likewise our action change course of the collective day.

What we think, say or do adds to the collective Canvas. Our actions change the course of anothers day, good or bad. Our beliefs change the course of our day but also influences anothers belief system with potential of changing their day.

With so many daily distractions, how does one redirect thought process? Start with five minutes a day. Grow it to twenty minutes a day. Then if time allows allow an hour from the day to sit fully present in the moment of the day. Allowing time for quieting the mind, clearing clutter from our daily Canvas.

With clearing of distractions, we are ready to sit in what we do want from our day. Our thoughts, actions and beliefs align with our intentions of the day. Stepping out with intent in our hearts, we are painting a different picture from the day before. Further, we are taking an active roll in creating the Canvas to how we see fit.

Do we want to go through life without ever knowing? Or do we choose to enter a co-creative process of this Great Mystery of Life? The Canvas of Life is of Divine Whole, we are a part of it.

~Ani Po


Pic Source Unknown

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

We all have the ability to change reality, whether through simple thought or mindful awareness of self. Refocusing our thoughts, we align with differing frequencies of truth.

Changing or redirecting thoughts we can find ourselves in a place of our choosing and doing.

Diving deeper into our personal cosmos, we cannot escape the influences of another. Whether in simple form or cosmic laws of reality.

Transmutation of energy intertwines its touch with governing laws. Learning what governs a single speck of sand, animal and plant kingdoms, lighted skies, purging our temple of thought, physical shrine, spiritual knowing of such things.

Foods eaten taking different form, spoken words carrying more meaning, actions most beneficial to Mother Earth. Aligning with higher vibratory knowing, taking a more conscious role as to our Creating of Canvas, mastering and co-governing our days.

~Ani Po