Regaining Sight Unseen

Prose Daily Strategies

Regaining Sight Unseen

Remembering who we are

Photo by aditya sankhe on Unsplash

Oh, the shores of Lake Michigan, father and son were looking out into the fading distant memory of generational pulls. Manistee, in through the narrow canals, landing to the east and west on the riverbanks unfolding time after time — resting while muted child tugs at father’s hand’s muzzle.

Truth be told, unleashing glimpse in every Step into the Canvas, lost forgotten ways, days of seeing beyond all veils. Live thy life as it was in the beginning, torn apart by man-made certainties malfunctioning for the last time — transference of following lost forgotten sheep, revealing true as Peter Parker, Clark Kent, and any other secret identities, no longer hiding behind the masks.

Shadow of Doubt, Thomas no longer speaking of the foreboding tongue-tied to an evergreen, life everlasting dipped in the daily tea. Elixir of vicissitudes last birthing thought, bridging gaps from left to the right hemispherical rhymes numerical, one… two…three strikes you’re out, at the old ballgame.

Are you?

End game?

Fallen into seas misery, burnt ash transforming pharisaical to dusting off the records scratching Post Malone running in circles, blackened phase into the white-flying overhead. Dragons breath cleansing souls, exchanging hearts like long-lost buddies swapping ancient gifts — wrapped up into self-inflicting realities expanding.

Deeper the cavernous percipient entering time before this — was only the beginning. Identifying the skeletons lurking about, prideful lusting over material self-inflated ego crumbling like sweetened kuchen atop peaches and cream.

If not now, when?

Quoted and misguided, dogmatic stronghold practicing every ritual under the sun — shining rays of no more unto her. Now is the time! Seek and he did find, whispering sacred truths declaring I AM Here — to for, play on words — exaggerating no more.

Trusting the inner voice, wisps inspiritu leading The Way — beyond words, details, labels, and such, it just is. Walking forward into the unknown, silencing void welcoming home — at last, oneness, beingness, creating and co-creating as it was before, now is and forever shall it be.

~ Ani Po

This is a perfect example of my daily strategies, this poem started out telling a daily story, unfolding into a lifetime of undoings. Returning back to the innocence, trusting the inner-guidance and inner-knowing, allowing no strategy to be the all-inclusive strategy but a piece to a greater whole.

Thereby making my daily strategy no strategy in particular, just following spirit and answering the call to where I am to go next. Little morsels left behind, sign-posts up ahead, or whatever catches the attention of my heart’s song vibratory favor.

Thank you Jean Carfantan for allowing me to participate in this prompt, a little stretch but it sure did tickle my thoughts.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Recounting Our Steps

Poem on self awareness

Recounting Our Steps

Wondering how we ever made it

Photo by Cassie Burke on Unsplash

Sitting, watching the birds and passerby’s, fleeting time effortlessly moment by moment as if time stood still. Briefly it delivers a thousand lifetimes thus before, forever moving and shaking of one’s head present still.

Nay, the winds called failed to answer falls from sacred seat to earthly floors naked feet. By name or spirit sensing, letting go of chattering minds wicked pointed finger.

Chimes playing sacred tunes of self-inflicting memories healing song carried through — the distant and faded, lifetimes ago, at the forefront of thought, joyous spin on imperfections’ hold of once before.

Rejoicing cackles of grackles, cowbirds, and starlings alike, fusing presence of tear-jerking, heart-wrenching, opened wounds of past and present — future tunes transmuting all there is.

If not for the brick walls and howling calls, present stage set for encoring chapters unfolding mysteries whispered in the nights and cosmic spin on life — what then do we make of it?

~ Ani Po

Pondering thought and wondering how we even arrived in this point in time, observing the outer realms and inner alike. Witnessing the beauty around echoing the self honoring grace new found joy in knowing.

Thank you J.D. Harms for leaving the door open for our streams of consciousness. Choosing self awareness as I sat and pondered how the hell I even got here.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash