We are Vast in Heart-Centered Canvas of Life
In Loving Gratitude-finding gratitude in Everything
Today we wake to morning sun or clouded skies obscuring sight — stepping on left or right footed with intent or haunted anamnesis. Which do we choose — in a universe where the mind travels hitherto fro?
Reaching for a cup of life — sipping on its elixir. Standing before us — thoughts transpiring from unknown cavernous galaxies. We observe, choosing wisely to which allows most gratitude. Easy to choose — happy dance — fairy and unicorn — what of the shadowy doubts, darkened past, suffering all around?
Go and play! Or sit with shadows of our day? Both bringing happiness — one short and sweet, leading to continuous seeking of pleasure in another’s playful dance. The latter — with a single breath — illuminated thought reality yielding infinite joy and happiness.
Sitting with pain and suffering, counting blessings as we may. Far greater returns are seeking blessings of our day. A single breath — fixed upon blessings of this moment — transferring and transpired space-time continuum.
Every thought ever-existing in reality — choosing which to lead our day — creating roads less traveled — or paths taken a thousand times before. Live in a familiar galaxy or look to the neighboring star cluster.
So, for today, counting the blessings — starting small, expanding and transmuting past into future benison. See all as it is, see all as it may — seek and ye shall find — neighboring moon or blistering sun, All Blessings for everyone.
In love with this moment in time — sitting — quieting mind — giving thanks for birthing of a new beginning — multitude of colors presenting forth, breathe to the beginning and its end — all transgressions and divine happenstance — all beings of thought and physical form — a singular globe of cosmic proportions.
We are vast in Heart-centered Canvas of Life — flowing — naturally as It goes. Sending blessings to the readers — seers — medium of sorts, the movers — shakers — dancers of Life inspiring melodies, the third world — middle management — even the industrial giants — sending love and gratitude whether small or grand.
In Loving Gratitude — I Am Here.
~Ani Po
Thank you for this Spark Ravyne Hawke and housing prompts filled with gratitude.
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